It's easy if you know the Universal Resource Locator or URL, otherwise you could go to the University of Saskatchewen Libraries and make your choice. Alternatively, you can use the shortcut key 'g freenets' ( without the quotes) and you will end up in the same place without having to come back to this newsletter! (To see the URL for the University of Saskatchewen Libraries use your '=' key to toggle the infomation screen on. '=' will toggle the information screen off).
In the newsreader use the 'y' key to (y)ank in all possible newsgroups. Then use the '/' ( forward slash ) key to search for a keyword. Remember that you may have to try different words of similar meaning before you are successful. For example, "recipe" may not be found but "cook" or "food" might be found. Similarly, for "car" try "auto" or "vehicle".
Once you have found an interesting group you can (s)ubscribe by using the 's' key. Then this group will be displayed to you on subsequent visits to read news and you will not have to search for it.
Best way is to use the shortcut key 'g idletimes' which will display a graph similar to the one below.
Percent Phoneline Usage (64 phonelines) 100 ++-----------+------------+-----------+------------+-----------++ + + + + **** ************ + 90 ++ ***** **** ****++ 80 ++ ********** ++ * ** | 70 +* * ++ 60 ++* * ++ | * * | 50 ++ * * ++ 40 ++ * * ++ | * * | 30 ++ *** * ++ 20 ++ * ++ + ** **** + + + + 10 ++--------**-+------------+-----------+------------+-----------++ 0 5 10 15 20 25 Time of Day (24-hour clock)Along the bottom is the time of day beginning with 0 or midnight and continuing with 5 then 10 etc. The numbers along the left side of the graph represent the percentage of modems in use. At 10am for example, 80% of modems are usually in use. The lower the *** line the more chance you will have of a login. So the best times, according to this graph, are between midnight and 8am.
David John Murdoch
Chebucto Connections QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS
is edited by David John Murdoch
who is happy to receive Questions, Comments or Suggestions.
If your browser does not support mail, write to David later at aa003@ccn·cs·dal·ca.