"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Bob Ruohoniemi, Editor, 6939 Hwy 1 Ardoise, RR 1 Ellershouse, NS B0N 1L0
phone (902) 757-3884 email:
OCTOBER 2007 -- NUMBER 139
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Editor's Comments:
This BT has news from the Federation, Berwick Belles'n Beaus, 50+ Expo, FESTIVAL 2007, &Caller School.
Article II: PURPOSEThere is still a need for volunteers to step forward to fill the following positions at the next AGM:Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, & Publicity. In addition, 2 dancers are needed for the Finance Committee,and one for the Awards Committee. If you could help keep our activity alive in the province by offering to help,please contact the Presidents - Ralph & Valerie Brown, 543-5278 or
- To provide a liaison between the square and round dance activity and the Provincial Government by maintaining active membership in Dance Nova Scotia, and by encouraging the election of a square or round dancer to theBoard of Directors of Dance Nova Scotia.
- To suggest guidelines under which the square and round dance activity can operate to the greatest enjoyment of all.
- To provide an organizational framework to assist member clubs and/or area associations in locating facilities,co- ordinating activities, and planning the future of square and round dancing in Nova Scotia.
- To provide a sounding board where inter-area problems, trends, and apprehensions can be aired.
- To encourage Province-wide co-operation in the advertising, promotion, and operation of square and round dancetraining classes in order to provide the maximum benefit to all clubs and to ensure that square and round dancingis presented in the best possible light to the general public.
- To support and supplement the work of the Association of Nova Scotia Square and Round Dance Teachers,Dance Nova Scotia, and the Canadian Square and Round Dance Society.
- To operate as a not-for-profit organization without purpose of gain for its members, and any profits or otheraccretion to the organization shall be used in promoting its objectives.
Article III: MEMBERSHIPThose individuals and organizations in Nova Scotia eligible to be members of the Federation include: dancers,callers, leaders, cuers, instructors, and related clubs, and associations of included dance categories that support the aims and objectives of the Federation. The included dance categories are: square dancing, round dancing, clogging, line dancing, country dancing, western dancing, and contra dancing."
The volunteer organizing committee held another meeting on 29 September. News from that meeting will be included in the the next BT. If you haven't yet registered for F2010, do so now!
Square & Round Dance Federation of NS AGM - 13 Oct. Registration 1:30pm. - North Woodside CC, Dartmouth
38th Maritime Sq.&Rd. Dance Convention-9/10 Nov. - Old Orchard Inn, Wolfville, 644-2757
16th Canadian National Convention, 17/19 July - London, Ontario - 519-396-9877
Berwick Belles'n Beaus 45th Anniversary
The Berwick Belles'n Beaus Square Dance Club are celebrating their 45th Anniversary of square dancing on November 3rd, 2007, at 8pm. in the Berwick Town Gym.
The Belles'n Beaus were organized in the fall of 1962. Glen Maynard was the club's first caller and in that same year, Arch Erikson showed an interest in learning to call and he became the club caller in the fall of 1963. He calledfor the club for a couple of years and then Don Haley became the club caller for many years.
We began dancing in the Berwick high School auditorium and later moved to the Anglican Parish Hall, which was next door to the school. We danced there for fifteen years and when the school auditorium became the Berwick Town Gym, we moved back there.
We have gone through varying degrees of membership over the years. We have celebrated several anniversariesas the years progressed and we are excited about celebrating our 45th Anniversary, which we consider a mile-stone in square dancing in our area.
We have had six club callers – Glen Maynard, Arch Erikson, Don Haley, Wilfred Burns, Barry Walker, and our present caller is Tom Collins.
We are small in number but large in enthusiasm! We are fortunate to have Ron Low as our guest caller for the Anniversary dance and are happy to invite all square dancers to our celebration.
Thelma Huntley, Club Secretary
The 50+ Expo
The Federation Booth and Demonstrations at the 50+ Expo in Halifax were a crowd-pleaser for many of theExhibition attendees and the folks manning the other information booths. Your Federation continues to promote Square and Round Dancing to the public whenever possible.
![]() Dancers at 50+ Expo | ![]() Federation Booth at 50+ Expo |
Alquire Memorial Caller School
![]() New & Nearly-new Callers after graduation | ![]() Guest Instructor Ken Ritucci |
Photos taken at FESTIVAL 2007 held at Cole Harbour Place, Dartmouth.
![]() FESTIVAL 2007 Plus Hall | ![]() FESTIVAL 2007 Mainstream Hall |
REGISTRATION FORM ( Year 2007 - 2008 )
[This form was printer as page 4 of this issue of Between Tips and can be found under Forms.]