"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Bob Ruohoniemi, Editor, 6939 Hwy 1 Ardoise, RR 1 Ellershouse, NS B0N 1L0
phone (902) 757-3884 email:
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Editor's Comments:
Another Square Dance season is about to begin. Hopefully dancers are restedand ready for aninflux of NEW DANCERS! Now is the time to ask relatives, friends, neighbours, acquaintances,fellow club/groupmembers, and total strangers to come to try out Modern Square Dancing!!
This edition of BT has news from the Federation & F2010 Meetings, Club News, Presidents'Report, and F2008.
Your provincial Federation volunteer Board members met on 22 July to plan for the FallSeason and the AGM.
The volunteer organizing committee held another meeting on 26 May. Plans for thefund-raiser Cook-book projectwere reviewed, as well as promotional advertising for the FESTIVAL 2008 Souvenir ProgramBooklet. Tentative plansare in place for the F2010 presentation of dancing in London at FESTIVAL 2008. The committeewould like to contactall NS dancers who plan to attend next year's Convention in London. The committee needs avolunteer to step forwardto act as Secretary for F2010. Readers are asked to consider joining the group working to makeF2010 a completesuccess as were the two previous conventions held here in the province. Here's a chance to takepart in a project that isenjoyable and contributes to the life of square and round dancing. If you haven't yet registered forF2010, do so now!
News from the Cumberland Twirlers
Record attendance at 33rd "MAPLE FLING"! The gymnasium of the E.B. Chandler school inAmherst wasfully occupied on the evening of Saturday 14th April when as many as 16 squares of dancers tookpart in theCumberland Twirlers Maple Fling Dance. This is the 33rd year that this event has been held. It isone of the two majorinvitational dances that the club holds each year.
The organizers were delighted with the turnout of approximately 130 dancers plus a fewspectators. This was thelargest attendance at a Cumberland Twirlers special dance in a number of years, and somewhat ofa surpriseconsidering the return of the wintry weather in the previous two days, and unavoidable conflictswith similar dances inHalifax, Saint John and Miramichi. Dancers came from 13 clubs. A surprising number camefrom Cape Breton andPrince Edward Islands, as well as from the closer areas of Truro, Moncton and Sackville.
The dancers were put through their paces by Ron Lowe, from Saint John. He is one of themost expert leaders in theMaritimes, with 40 years experience, in both "calling squares" and "cueing rounds". The largeturnout was undoubtedlya tribute to his popularity.
Club Welcomes New Square Dancers
During the regular weekly square dance of the Cumberland Twirlers on Tuesday April 3 therewas a special event.A "graduation ceremony" was held to recognize the achievements of two pairs of square dancerswho had joined aclassthat started last September. Jim & Marilyn DesBarres and Lee O'Brien & Jim Sicheri are nowfully fledged members ofthe club. The latter couple had just a few days earlier achieved a distinction many long termsquare dancers have yet toobtain. At an easy level square dance (with five callers calling) held at Mount Whatley, just overthe NB Border, theyfound themselves dancing in a square with three callers. Purple Heart badges were presented tothem at the closingdance of the Cumberland Twirlers on May 8th.
Square & Round Dance Federation of NS AGM - 13 Oct. Registration 1:30pm. - NorthWoodside CC, Dartmouth
38th Maritime Sq.&Rd. Dance Convention - 9/10 Nov. - Old Orchard Inn, Wolfville,
16th Canadian National Convention, - 17/19 July - London, Ontario - 519-396-9877
On May 4th Ralph & I were honored and very pleased to be at Province House in the RedCarpet Room, to receiveon behalf of The Square & Round Dance Federation of NS, an award for OutstandingVolunteerism. This award wasgiven by The Heart & Stroke Foundation, for all the fund-raising dances and donations to themover the years.
We met with the Lieutenant Governor Mayann Francis, who, we felt was a very gracious anddown to earth person,in fact Ralph & her shared a little joke later after the ceremonies were over. We were also invitedto a lovely lunch after ,when we had time to meet with the Lieutenant Governor and have a chat.
You are to be congratulated for the your efforts of fund-raising every year, this was very muchappreciated and awell written statement was read about this by the Chair of The Heart & Stoke Foundation.
We have just recently learned that this was all started by Harold & Clara Redden, and a bighand should be given tothem, for starting this very important and appreciated fund-raiser.
Ralph & I will try to get to as many clubs over the next while to show the award and then willhand it over to Harold & Clara Redden for the archives.
- -Val & Ralph Brown, Federation Presidents
Roy Sewell 29/07/2007
-- Danced with Golden Rounds&Squares, Rag Rounds, Fun Time Rounds,Metro Merry Makers.
Doug Spencer 7/08/2007
-- Danced with the High Tide Twirlers & Dice HillSquares.
Report from the Apple Valley Dancers
From Club Caller Nelson Labor
On Tuesday, May 15th, the Apple Valley Dancers held their final dance of the season at theAylesford Lions Hall.They were served a fine roast beef dinner by the Lionettes. Seven squares of club membersmanaged to make it out alldressed in their club colours. A special highlight of the night was the attendance of past clubmember, GlennaKinsman. She & her late husband Earle were dedicated dancers and were very active in severalclubs in the valley for many years.
Pictures from the 20th Annual Port George Camp Out
From Ralph & Valerie Brown, SRDFNS Presidents
We were presenting a 20th Anniversary certificate to Wilfred and Goldie. Some campers werejust relaxing whileothers played the washer toss game.
Ralph and I had a wonderful time at Port George Camp out Aug11.& 12, 2007.Friday night we danced to the band of Wilfred Burns, and caller Tommy Collins who did afantastic job.Sat. night Wayne Illes did the calling, again good job Wayne.
Ralph & I took along guests with us who were not dancers, but saw the fun and fellowshipeveryone was having,that they now have decided to join in Sept.
We want to say thank you to Berwick Bells & Bows and Fundy Squares, for a job well donehosting the weekendevent.
With a population of over 335,000 people, London is a thriving, commercial and industrial centre. Because of the many parks and pathways, thecity has become known as "The Forest City". The area offers many attractions for the young and 'young at heart' - Museums, Art Galleries, andplenty of local History. Enjoy touring London in a Double-Decker Bus, or visit Storybook Gardens where Slippery the Seal made his great escapea number of years ago. You may also wish to try your luck at the Western Fair Raceway and Slots. Visit us in 2008 and enjoy great Dancing,Touring, Friendship and Fun.
Not only is there a lot to see and do in London, but nearby there is St. Thomas, Port Stanley - situated on Lake Erie, Sparta, and many, many otherinteresting places. Enjoy driving through the Mennonite areas of Aylmer and St. Jacobs, and browse through their country markets. Visit GrandBend, the home of the Huron County Playhouse, or travel to Stratford for the Shakespearean Festival. Niagara Falls, Toronto, Windsor & Detroitare only a 2 hour drive from London.