"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Bob Ruohoniemi, Editor, 6939 Hwy 1 Ardoise, RR 1 Ellershouse, NS B0N 1L0
phone (902) 757-3884 email:
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You may download this FEBRUARY 2007 as a PDF file.
Editor's Comments:
A new year has arrived and hopefully every dancer is back into the full swing of the dance season! BT has had an influx of material for this edition and that is certainly appreciated. Keep sending in your articles,statements, questions, and proposals. This edition has news from various sources and information that can be usefulto all dancers.
Please ensure that the club copy is available to all club members. Why not make extra copies for your club dancers?The deadline for the future editions are: 15 Feb., 15 Mar., 15 Apr., 15 May.
The Winter Board meeting was held on 27 Jan., so results will be coming in the March BT.
Readers are reminded that the deadline for the Federation Mayflower Award (an award of excellence inrecognition of 20 years or more of outstanding contribution in Nova Scotia to our dance activity) is 30 March. See the criteriaat the last page of this BT. The Caller/Cuer Bursary request deadline is also 30 March. There will be a CallerSchool held here in NS, 26 to 31 August.
The appropriate forms and criteria may be found in the Federation Handbook (Blue cover).
NEW GRADUATE BOOKLETS The Federation has produced a 12 page booklet (assembled by Ron & DotConnell), for New Graduates and anyone else interested. The contents are:
Square Dance Etiquette; Recovering from a breakdown; medical problems; Calendar of Events; Square danceworld; Square Dance Organizations; Banner Stealing Rules; Square Dance Dress; Liability Insurance; Helpers & Helpees;Dance programs; and History.
Clubs should submit the names of this season's new graduates for free copies, or $1 each for all others, to Ron &Dot Connell, 7 Terrance Court, Dartmouth, NS B2W 3J3, or at a dance. If submitting by cheque, make it out toSRDFNS.
For one time only, free booklets are available to new graduates who graduated in 2005 or 2004. Submit names asabove, before 30 March.
The volunteers working for FESTIVAL 2010 have been making plans for further promotions in 2007. The main fund-raising event will be the Federation FESTIVAL 2007 to be held at Cole Harbour Place inDartmouth, 20 & 21 July, 2007. Registrations continue to flow in from far and wide. More support from NS dancers would bemost welcome! For those who have already registered, you can expect to receive your "I'm Registered" ribbonsshortly.
The Bluenose RV Squares club will soon be collecting recipes for the FESTIVAL 2010 Cookbook. All the available on the Federation website at: click on the square 2010.
The Advanced and Challenge CALLERLAB Program Committees have completed the 2006 review of theADVANCED (A-1 and A-2) and CHALLENGE (C-1 and C-2) programs and there are no changes to either list.
2006 International Bazaar Committee, Naples, Italy.
The culmination of hard work, hours of practice, dedication, sacrifice and determination resulted in the demonstration group from Mary's Islanders Dance Troupe flying to Naples, Italy to perform at the international Bazaarsponsored by the Allied Spouses Club.
The months of fund-raising paid off as eleven dancers, two chaperons and Larry and Mary Dunlop finally arrivedon October 11th. As the kids came thru the arrival gates, although weary from traveling, the excitement on theirfaces was evident. They had just crossed the Atlantic Ocean and were about to experience a way of life that is verydifferent from the beautiful Annapolis Valley.
Larry and Mary had an action packed schedule for the dancers and chaperons as they would visit many parts ofNaples including the climbing of Mount Vesuvius, visiting the ancient city of Pompeii, strolling around downtownNaples, two days in Rome visiting all the sites, an afternoon at the local amusement park Magic World, samplingthe local cuisine at the " Chicken Shack", a BBQ held in their honour at the home of the Senior Canadian OfficerCol. Serge Lavall‚e and his wife Micheline and stopping off at London, England on their way home, But beforeany of this could happen, they had four shows to perform at the International Bazaar, All of the site seeing wouldhave to wait. It was an ambitious schedule. The dancers knew what was expected of them and they delivered.
First off, meeting the Canadian Military Community in Naples at a BBQ held in honour of the dancers. More than60 people attended the BBQ at Col Serge Lavallee's home. Before the food was served the troupe put on a show forus. The hoots, hollers and clapping from the crowd showed how much we loved the performance. One dancerliterally danced right out of her shoes and kept on going, finishing the routine by dancing in her sock feet! After theperformance the dancers got to interact with the Canadian kids that live here in Naples. I understand that a few e-mail addresses were exchanged and new friendships forged.
Finally, the first day of the International Bazaar arrived. Months of planning and fundraising behind them, theyprepared to entertain the multinational crowd. With beaming smiles, beautiful costumes and poised to dance, theytook the stage.
The audience consisted of many cultures. Greek, Italian, American, British, Hungarian, French, Spanish,Turkish, Polish, Danish and, of course, Canadians. All eyes were on the stage. The Canadians in Naples took frontrow seats. To those of us living so far away, these children were bringing us a little piece of home. Geva van denZegel, Chairperson of the International Bazaar Committee stood back to watch the dancers whom she had invited tocome all the way from Nova Scotia.
Attendance in the room increased till there was standing room only and the applause escalated after each dance.As Canada flags waved, Maritime step dancing, Acadian, Irish and Highland routines were executed flawlessly. The Canadian cheering section couldn't have been more proud as the troupe danced to This land, La Bastrinqueand Clearly Canadian. Upon completion of their performance and a standing ovation, Geva van den Zegelexpressed her amazement for these talented and fine tuned young people. Mary was bombarded by scores ofpeople from other nations, who, although had difficulty with the English language, came to deliver their accolades. Between shows, the dancers took the opportunity to shop and interact with people from all over the world.
While in Naples, the entire group of fifteen stayed with Mary and Larry's daughter, Lisa, her husband John andson Cody. With eighteen people to feed and house, the Canadian Community came together with everything frombeds, bedding, casseroles, trays of sweets, spaghetti and meat sauce to good old toilet tissue (have to have that).
This experience is something I'm sure the children will not soon forget. They were wonderful ambassadors forNova Scotia and Canada. On behalf of the Allies Spouses Club 2006 International NATO Bazaar, I would like toexpress our thanks to these talented individuals. Congratulations to Mary's Islanders Dance Troupe and hats off totheir dance teacher, Mary Dunlop and her husband Larry for taking on such a monumental task for these youngNova Scotia children.
In August 2005 , the Nova Scotia Federation executive held a meeting in which a motion was made to prepare adraft letter with intent for hosting Convention 2010 at Halifax. In October, 2005 this motion was submitted to theNational Society and with a well prepared feasibility platform it was approved and officially accepted in November2005. With high moral and an abundance of eager square dancers, an executive was formed and the wheels were setin motion. One of the many first decisions, including the motto and logo, was to vote on the official dress attire for theHalifax Convention 2010.When Nova Scotia dancers visit outside the Province or attend special dances like aConvention or Festival, many dancers wear their Nova Scotia Tartan dress attire. This special plaid is worn with prideand is now recognized throughout many parts of the world. It is also the center of many conversations at specialdances and recalls many memories. The Nova Scotia Tartan was the official dress attire for the Halifax Convention in1994, but this did not create any delay in unanimously voting for it again for the Halifax National Convention in2010. The story behind the Nova Scotia tartan is one of great historical interest. The Nova Scotia Tartan design was thefirst provincial tartan in Canada. Its was created with great skill by one of Nova Scotia's talented home weavers,Mrs. Bessie Murray, in 1953. Crafters from all over the province were asked by the Nova Scotia SheepAssociation to show the many ways local wool could be used. Although originally designed for the agriculturalexhibition in Truro, an Order in Council in 1955, allowed the Province to adopt the Tartan. In 1956, the Tartan wassubmitted for approval of the Court of the Lord Lyon King of Arms, there it was registered with Her Majesty'sRegister Office in Edinburgh, Scotland. In 1964, the House of Assembly passed the Tartan Act.
As a note of interest, the Lord Lyon King of Arms is the Scottish official with the responsibility for regulatingheraldry in that country ; for overseeing state ceremonial in Scotland; for granting of new arms to persons ororganizations, and for confirming given pedigrees and claims to existing arms. He is the judge of the oldest Heraldiccourt in the world that is still in operation.
Our Nova Scotia Tartan is a regional tartan and does not represent a Clan tartan. It can be worn by anyone. TheNova Scotia Tartan is placed proudly alongside the other historic tartans, some dating back to the 13th century.
The Nova Scotia Tartan colours combine the blue of the seas; the light and dark greens of the evergreen andhardwood trees; the white for the granite rocks and the sea surf; a gold line for the Province's historic RoyalCharter, and the red for the royal lion rampant found on the Nova Scotia Coat of Arms.
Along with the acceptance of the Nova Scotia Tartan dress attire for the 2010 Convention, it was noted thatmany dancers already have various different patterns and pieces of Plaid; therefore, it was motioned and agreed thateveryone wear The Nova Scotia Tartan but the skirts, shirts etc. did not have to be identical. So, get out your NovaScotia tartan plaids to alter, mend, sew and fashion new designs. "Promenade to Halifax in 2010", wear your Tartanwith pride and have fun, fun, and more fun.
Respectfully submitted by Reta Blades, FESTIVAL 2010 Publicity.
Gib Bradley (1936-2006)
Gib was a lover of music and interacting with people. Thus Square Dancing was a perfect fit. Gib began squaredancing with the Starduster class of 1994. Although he quickly picked up all the moves Gib continued to attend beginners classes for many more years after his graduation in order to meet all potential new dancers. It was here inthe class of 1996 the we first met Gib and his wife Dee. They were there as class angels and angel he was.
Gib was that person that for most of us comes along once in a life time. He was very out going and made friendswith everyone he met. Gib had such an outgoing personality that when it came to dancing his presence along with his great communication ability inspired new dancers to relax and enjoy the entire activity. We were no exception aswe became friends immediately with him and Dee. This is a friendship that grew very strong over the next couple of years and one we will cherish for the rest of our lives.
During our first few years of dancing we spent much time traveling to other clubs both locally and around theprovince to attend many dances, some for the enjoyment of dancing and others to support clubs with their fund raisers. Most we as a result of Gib. To put it simply Gib was an organizer. He would see a flier about a specialdance or even a regular dance and get excited to attend. He would then start recruiting other to attend with him. His excitement about attending would be so great it spread to all he talked to and soon there were groups of peopletraveling to an event be it a local event to a weekend away.
His love for music really came to the forefront every time he got on the dance floor. Every time Gib set foot onthe dance floor everyone in his square and anyone watching could see that he was very much enjoying every moment. He brought excitement to the dance and made everyone he danced with, from the new beginner in class tothe experienced dancer come away from the square thinking what a great dance they just had.
Gib was also the first person there to help when things needed to be done. If we were having a special dance hisname was always one of the first on the sign up sheet. Gib was the person that if something needed to be done it was no good to tell him he didn't need to go out of his way to help for as soon as he heard there was something to bedone he was there ready to help.
We personally got to know Gib the best when we had the dance shop and used to take it on the road. As much aswe told him he didn't have to help Gib was always there to help from the time we started loading to leave, during the set up and take down and unloading when home. We had some great trips together around NS, NB, & PEI., uspromoting the dance shop while Gib promoted Square Dancing to everyone he met.
Beside his love for the music and dancing Gib loved the fellowship that came with the activity.
The next time you are at a Square Dance and they end the evening with the friendship ring remember Gib as thewords to this song very much express a strong part of the make up of our beloved friend Gilbert A. Bradley.
Teresa Butler (1936-2006)
The Scotia Dancers club lost another of their stalwart members on 30 November, 2006. Teresa was a member for a half dozen years, enjoying the social aspects every time she came to the hall. Her attitude was to help our wheneverthere were things to be done. She provided the lunch on the dance evening just before passing away doing herregular exercise and swim routine the next day. She loved to help new dancers and partnered with the club's newestmember Rob Hall when he began classes. Scotia Dancers will miss her enthusiasm, especially at the Spring Fling.
Jim Hood (1918-2007)
Windsor resident, Jim Hood passed away 8 January, 2007. Jim was a member of the former Hightide Twirlersclub that danced in Avonport and Hantsport until it closed. Jim always enjoyed square dancing and talking with themembers. He always had a twinkle in his eye, especially when lunch was served!
The following awards are to be presented to Federation members by the President or designate at a suitable dancefunction. Clubs, Dancers, Callers & Clubs should notify the Awards Committee through the RegionalRepresentative, of anyone or club eligible for an award.