"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Bob Ruohoniemi, Editor, 6939Hwy 1 Ardoise, RR 1 Ellershouse, NS B0N 1L0
phone (902) 757-3884 email:
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You may download this FEBRUARY 2006 as a PDF file.
Editor's Comments:
Happy New year to all Nova Scotia Square & Round Dancers! This edition of theFederationnewsletter has reports from two provincial clubs, information about the Halifax National Festival 2010 andwarnings of up-coming deadlines for various activities & applications on the Federation calendar. Here againwe plead for inputfrom all dancers, clubs, and leaders, for this YOUR Federation's Newsletter! In memoriams are alsoappropriate entries.
The first meeting of the Executive committee was held on 21 January to begin the process of planning for thefestival.Since each National Convention results in a final report, there is a lot of information available to review andanalyze. The Canadian Society has Guidelines for these national conventions; these provide the initial structure forplanning. The key results of this meeting of the Vice Chairs, Secretary, and Finance Director were to prepare for thefirst meeting of the entire Board of Directors in February. These volunteers have agreed to work hard to make FESTIVAL2010 a great experience for all dancers but also a showcase for our typical Bluenose hospitality for visitors to NovaScotia. Our Festival Chair Couple are keeping on top of this planning, via the internet, from their warm environmentin Florida.
As announced in the last BT; all Nova Scotia dancers are invited to submit their ideas for a HALIFAXFESTIVAL2010 "logo" and "slogan". This will be in the form of a contest. A $50.00 registration credit for each, for thelogo andslogan, will be given to the winners. The slogan must be short (4 or 5 short words and should include 2010).Example:"Dance by the Shore in 94". The logo should be something Nova Scotian like a lighthouse, the Mayflower,Old TownClock, the Bluenose, etc. whatever your imagination can come up with. The cut off for this contest will beMarch 1st,2006. Please send entries to Bob Ruohoniemi via email at (or via mail at: 6939Hwy 1,Ardoise RR1, Ellershouse, NS B0N 1L0. The selection of a winner will be carried out at the Board Meetingin May2006. NOTE: In the event that 2 or more logos or slogans are identical, the first one received will be thewinner.
The Mayflower Award is an award of excellence in recognition of 20 years or more of outstandingcontribution inNova Scotia to square and round dancing, and all othere dance categories recognized by the Federation, at thelocal,or regional, or provincial level. Nominations may be presented by a member club or five or moresquare/round dancersfrom anywhere in the province. Nominations must include the credentials of the candidate(s), which will beread at the presentation of the award. The number of awards is limited to a maximum of two per year, but itwill not be mandatorythat it be presented each year. The Award Committee will present the names of the two candidates to theExecutive forits approval. Deadline for submissions isMarch 30th of the year in which the award is to be presented.These should be sent to: Don Scott, Chairman SRDFNS Awards, 52 Sami Drive, Lower Sackville, NS B4C3S7 or
The Federation produces a summer brochure for distribution to Tourist Offices, Campgrounds, hotels, andother locations for provincial visitors. In addition, sufficient copies are made to supply clubs so that dancershave a reference for summer dancing. Information for this brochure is required by 15 March, to BobRuohoniemi, 6939 Hwy 1 Ardoise RR1, Ellershouse, NS B0N 1L0 or
IN MEMORIAM - Pauline Smith (1928 - 2006)
Pauline Smith passed away in Dartmouth on January 16, 2006. Pauline and Ernie (d. January 9, 2004) joinedthe Scotia Dancers club in 1992. Pauline was a dedicated club member who volunteered to help out inwhatever duty had to be performed. She and Ernie loved to visit other clubs, especially to promote the club'sannual Spring Fling dance. Paulinewas the kind-hearted person who made sure that ill or missing club members were contacted and made awareof themembers' concern for them. As her obituary indicates, even after Ernie's passing, she volunteered her time forthebenefit of her community. We trust Ernie and Pauline are together again for the Grand parade!
The Sunrise Squares Dance Club
Class and Mainstream Friday nights 8PM-10PM | The MARC in Dayspring | |
Caller and Contact Neil Dorey | Contacts Valerie & Ralph Brown |
Sunrise Squares' Christmas dance had to be cancelled due to the white fluffy stuff and this year only our NewYear Day Frolic was cancelled.
To get rid of the winter blues and make up for our cancellations, on January 27,06 we held a Mid-WinterCrazyNight - "Lets have a laugh and dress as crazy as possible" dance. Last year April Fools was on our dancenight and weheld a similar one, the characters attending reported having a very good time so we tried it again!
Sunrise Squares will host the Honolulu Hoedown on March 24,06 at the MARC in Dayspring 8PM-10PM, wearehoping to continue the tradition that started in New Germany, so come dressed Hawaiian and enjoy theevening with us.
Glad to report Earl Fancy is doing well after surgery.
Sunrise Squares dance Friday nights at the MARC and Plus every other Tues. at the MARC starting Jan.24,06 withcaller Neil Dorey. Caller Neil and Kathy Dorey along with the Sunrise Squares would like to wish you andyours Good Squares and a Healthy Happy New year.Written by Hazel Hebb, Club Historian
Communities United in Dance
Many events for the 400th anniversary celebrations for the founding of Port Royal are slowly coming to aclose with one such recent happening, Communities United Through Dance, focused on our dancing heritage.The members of the West Kings Twirlers Square Dance Club swirled and kicked up their heels to old timetunes at the Melvern Square Community Center on Nov 18th before an enthusiastic audience from around theprovince. The costuming was fantastic and all appreciated the flare of the dancers.
When the first French-speaking settlers arrived in North America they brought a variety of dances fromtheir homeland. Many of the early dances were performed in circle and chain formations, accompanied bysinging or simple instruments. The West King Twirlers demonstrated four of these dances that were sointegral to the way of life in the 17th and 18th centuries. They were: BRANLE DES SABOTS (CloggersBrawl), LA PATATE LONGUE (The Long Potato), LE REEL A QUATRE (The French Four) and theCajun 2 Step. These dances were the forerunners to modern Square & Round Dancing. [See pictures below]
Along with the display of old time dancing the guests were treated to an evening of modern square dancingat the mainstream and plus levels with round dancing between tips. Callers Nelson Labor, Laurie Ilsley, FranArchambault and Cuer Pat Labor had the dancers laughing, twirling and kicking up their heels to a greatevening of music and dancing. In typical Acadian tradition, a lunch of meat pie, coleslaw and apple crisp wasserved up afterwards to replenish the many calories burned off throughout the evening. A great time was hadby all. As with all volunteer events there are many accolades to be given out to those who give so unselfishlyof their time. We thank choreographers Nelson & Pat Labor, The Port Royal 400th Anniversary HeritageSociety for providing the costumes, Lucille Amirault for the Acadian displays, Municipality of AnnapolisCounty for their support and of course the West Kings Twirlers for the heritage dancing.Submitted by: John & Jane McGrath, Presidents, West Kings Twirlers.
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