"BETWEEN TIPS" is the official bulletin of the
Alex Ritchie, Editor, 58 Oakdale Crescent, Dartmouth, NS B3A 2L8
phone (902) 469-1492 email:
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The Federation Trailer had quite a workout over the Natal Day weekend this year. On Sunday 6 August, an enthusiasticgroup of 18 Scotia Dancers & 2 Metro Merry Makers gathered at the Halifax Commons to lather on sunblock & don sun hats forthe Natal Day parade. With Carl Morash driving, Pauline Arsenault organizing, & Pat Alquire calling, the truck & float wereloaded for a fun time. The riders enjoyed waving to the crowd as the dancers performed their best along the parade route. Thedancing was well appreciated so the performers didn't mind the intense afternoon heat. Frequent stops to change dancers kept theaction going!
Monday morning 7 August, saw the float & a new group gathered at the Dartmouth Sportsplex for the Dartmouth Natal Dayparade. With Carl driving again, Pauline in charge, & Dottie Welch calling, the truck & float carried 15 Stardusters, 2 FunSquares, & 2 Scotia Dancers. The weather was much cooler & the crowds much bigger in the City of Lakes. The volunteers didvirtually continuous dancing from the beginning to the end of the parade at Lake Banook. Dottie put all her skills to work to keepthe dancers moving the float navigated the hills of Dartmouth!
Saturday 12 August was the date for the Eastern Passage / Cow Bay Summer Festival parade & another chance to put on ourSquare Dancing show. Here Pat Meehan was driver, Kerry Fletcher the Caller, & Pauline as Float Captain. It took some time toget underway, but once rolling, the dancing was hectic. Eleven Stardusters, 4 Scotia Dancers, & 3 Fun Squares kept the crowdssmiling & clapping their hands under pleasant summer skies.
Everyone who took part in the parades enjoyed themselves & felt it was a very worthwhile endeavour. The Federation Floatperformed flawlessly & was seen by several thousand people in the Halifax Regional Municipality. Since they all had so muchfun, the Float Captain offered to host a Post Parade Party for all the participants. They had a great time together & eagerly lookforward to future opportunities to "Dance on the Float"!
Submitted by: Bob & Inge Ruohoniemi, Chaircouple, Metro Square & Round Dance Association.
One of the more fun ways to make your club more visible is to make use of the Federation Trailer during the numerousFestivals around Nova Scotia each year. It is available to all clubs in Nova Scotia. The trailer or float has been used 16 times,mainly in the Annapolis Valley, and for the first time this summer, in the Halifax area. Some concern has been expressed aboutthe safety of the trailer, the cost of moving it to your area, and the difficulty in storing it until the next user picks it up. The trailerhas been designed to be very safe. It is built on a low platform, on six small house trailer wheels. Dancers are protected by sturdyguard rails and the dance floor is only one step up from the ground. It is safety inspected yearly, just like any other vehicle. Due toit's light weight, it can be towed by any vehicle capable of towing a small house trailer. It has it's own 110 V AC power supply forthe caller. The cost of moving and storing the trailer has been discussed by the trailer committee, and changes will berecommended to the Federation Executive. Decisions will be made at future Federation meetings. Why not come along andcontribute your suggestions, so you can make better use of your trailer? The more people who know about Square Dancing, themore dancers you'll get in your club!
Federation Trailer Committee:
Harold and Clara Redden (902)538-9513
Corinne and Al McNabb (902)538-9541
Ron and Dot Connell (902)434-3023
At the ANSSRDT/SRDFNS Dance following the AGM of the Federation Dianne Milligan,Executive Director of Dance Nova Scotia, presented Jack and Dolores with the DANSRecognition of Service Award.
Jack MacArthur and his wife Dolores have been contributing to Modern Western squaredancing in Nova Scotia for well over 30 years. They were introduced to the activity in 1967when nine couples began to learn to dance under the leadership of Caller, Dana MacLeod. Theactivity was very popular in the Trenton area and the following year the Trenton Twirlers wereformed and Jack, along with four others began to learn to call. In 1971, with callers, JackMacArthur, Herb Muir, and cuer Brundage MacDonald, the Triple M Square Dance Club wasformed. The following year, Jack MacArthur, started the North Nova Swingers and HectorBelles and Beaus which joined together in 1973 as the Hector Belles and Beaus who dancedin the Pictou area until the 1990's.
In 1976, Jack s work took him to Truro where he formed the Hub Trackers PlusWorkshop Group while maintaining his commitment to the Hector Belles and Beaus Club andClass. In 1986, Jack s commitment to square dancing extended even further when he formedthe Mapleleaf Whirlaways Club in Antigonish.
Continuously, since 1969, the Tee Pee Camperee has been a popular annual danceevent for dancers when Jack, Dolores and staff provide a three day dance delight on the July1st weekend for sixty or more square dance couples. This event continues to be sold outyearly with repeat attendees and new dancers.
For ten years, beginning in the late 1970 s, Jack was a staff member at a Dance Nova Scotiasponsored Callers School held each Summer at Acadia University, Wolfville. This Callers School has contributed greatly to the quality of the square dance activity in this province.
If his length of service and the number of dancers he has positively affected is notimpressive enough, we believe that the quality of his contribution surpasses its quantity.Every class and each club night receives the same attention and preparation as the specialdances he calls. He is consistently using information and materials from caller notes, othercallers, etc. to continuously challenge the dancers and maintain their interest. Every tip hecalls is an experience both intellectually and in smooth dancing and it is recognized in theMaritimes that he is one of the premier square dance callers.
The clubs' Harvest Moon dance on November18th was a great success with eightydancers in attendance. Each couple received a prize, enjoyed the two punches and ended theevening with all the pie and ice cream they could eat. The door prizes donated by County Inn& Suites and by Stake and Stein Family Restaurant were won by Ken and Jewel Spence andby Emery and Dorothy Faught.
The winners on the draw for the two beautiful tables were:
Norma Swan for the coffee table;
Mary Beth Fall for the folding patio table.
For those who missed this great dance, plan to come next year.
Submitted by Jean and Roy Sewell.
There was a good turnout of representatives for the federation Annual GeneralMeeting. Several changes to the By-Laws were approved, including the addition of an articleprescribing the agreed dress code for Nova Scotia: "All members of the Federation areencouraged to wear Traditional Attire at all regular and special dances." It was agreed that:"All member clubs of the Federation are encouraged to advertise the dress designated forworkshops and theme dances."
The Canadian Society has adopted a new National Slogan:
The Society continues to search for a volunteer as Editor of the Canadian Dancers News(CDN).
Saint John New Brunswick | Calgary Alberta | Montreal Quebec |
The NS Association of Square and Round Dance Teachers reported that list of"Recommended Rounds at Square Dances" will be updated every three years. Nova ScotiaTeachers plan to encourage square and round dance activities in areas of the Province thatcurrently enjoy very little of our activity.
The Long-Term Service Awards project continues to progress. A proposed title andaward criteria are being developed. Significant club and/or individual achievements andmilestones should be reported to your Federation Representatives.
Reports from the Regional Representatives indicated that our dance activity survivesbut recruitment of new dancers continues to be a problem.
The meeting approved the 2000-2001 Board of Directors for the Federation. Unfortunately, the position of Vice-President remains vacant; so we need to find a volunteerto serve the Nova Scotia Round and Square Dancers.
The next AGM will be held on Saturday, October 20, 2001 in the Brookfield Fire Hall,Brookfield, with registration at 1pm and with the meeting starting at 1:30pm.
The PED Show was very successful with the participation from all the invitedorganizations.The entertainment by the "Antigonish Young Dancers", the "Cloud Nine Barbershop Quartet",and the "ANSSRDT Dance History Troupe" were great hits with the audience.
The dance following the PED Show had over 20 squares in attendance. Both the Roundand Square Dance halls were filled with happy hoofers. During the evening, Jack and DoloresMacArthur were presented with a special "Recognition of Service" award by Dianne Milligan ofDance Nova Scotia.
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Dancers are expected to wear traditional square dance attire at nearly all eveningdances in Nova Scotia. Some afternoon workshops and campout dances are casual but youshould confirm the dress with the leader ahead of time. As currently recognized by theAssociation of Nova Scotia Square and Round Dance Teachers, Traditional square danceattire consists of the following:
LADIES should wear a full-skirted dress or skirt and blouse. Knee length full circleskirts should be worn with a crinoline and pettipants. Mid-calf length prairie skirts should befull enough to use in skirt work but need only a petticoat beneath unless very full (test bytwirling in front of a mirror).
GENTLEMEN should wear long pants and a long-sleeved shirt accompanied by a neckdecoration. Western style is preferred but bluejeans are sometimes frowned upon. Towels areuseful in hot halls but are not required.
SHOES should be comfortable and offer reasonable support. Consider the dancesurface and choose shoes that will be slippery enough to shuffle and swing but not slickenough to cause a fall. Also avoid dark soles that cause black marks on polished gym floors.
JEWELERY should be able to withstand the rigors of close body contact and vigorousswings. Avoid charm bracelets, fancy rings, delicate necklaces and belt buckles that mightcatch or stab another dancer.
For the information of Federation members, they should be aware that theinternational organization CALLERLAB, based in the United States, have approved threeclasses of dress:
CALLERLAB has left the designation of attire to be worn at dances in the hands of theorganizers of the dance and asked for policy of tolerance."Traditional" - as described above.
"Proper" - short-sleeved shirts and dress slacks and jeans for men and women.
"Casual" - undefined but generally understood as tasteful and comfortable.
Register your Club (see below) and its members with your provincial Federation.
Register to attend your Federation's Festival 2001 this coming July.
Register to attend the Maritime Square & Round Dance Convention in November.
Register to attend the 13th Canadian National Square & Round Dance Convention
Those Club Callers/Cuers/Executive Committees that have not yet submittedthe Federation Club Registration Form are asked to do so immediately. Club Dancers,Callers, Cuers, & Executive deserve to have the Liability Insurance that is part of theFederation and Society membership. Contact your Club or Regional Representativeor the:
Federation Treasurer
Doug & Audrie Hill
RR 3
Lunenburg NS B0J 2C0